MEDFA memberships are for the calendar year of January 1-December 31.

Municipalities, Counties, Public Entities
  • Population under 10,000 – $275.00
  • Population between 10,000-24,000 – $330.00
  • Population between 25,000-49,000 – $550.00
  • Population between 50,000-99,000 – $1,100.00
  • Population of 100,000 and up – $1,650.00
Elected or Appointed Officials
  • Ex-officio Membership (any elected or appointed official of a local taxing district) – $25.00/yr.
Not-for-Profit and Business Memberships
  • Not-for-Profit Membership – $275.00/yr.
  • Business Membership – $1000.00/yr.
Sole Practitioner Membership *This type of membership must be approved by MEDFA’s Board of Directors.
  • Individual economic development or finance professionals – $220/yr. (Must operate as advisors and consultants to local, state, or regional public or not-for-profit entities on either a full-time or part-time basis but are not paid employees of such entities.)

Join MEDFA Today!


  • Please provide the names of any additional associates in your organization that should receive information from MEDFA.


    Please choose the appropriate membership level from the list above and mail associated fees to:

    Jill Quinn, Program Administrator, MEDFA
    300 Wyandotte St., Suite 400, Kansas City, MO 64105

    Make checks payable to:
    Missouri Economic Development Financing Association

    Please contact Jill if you need an alternative payment arrangement. (816) 691-2120
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